Singing Guide: Maire Brennan

Singing Guide: Maire Brennan

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Developing Your Voice

Máire Brennan's music is known for its haunting, ethereal quality. To develop a similar style, try the following exercises:

  • Breathing: A good breathing technique is essential for any singer. You can follow the ‘Farinelli breathing’ exercise to improve your skills.
  • Open Mouth & Throat: When you sing Máire Brennan's songs, you need to get the right amount of resonance in your voice. To achieve this, you need to learn how to open your mouth and throat while singing. For more information, read this article on opening your mouth and throat while singing.
  • Resonant Singing: Resonance is key when singing Máire Brennan's songs. Singing on pitch is crucial for causing resonance or chiming effect. You can practice pitch accuracy using the pitch accuracy test, which assesses your pitch accuracy.
  • Vibrato: Vibrato is one of the main techniques that give Celtic music its distinctive sound. You can learn how to sing with vibrato from this article on singing with vibrato.

Discovering the Technique

Máire Brennan is known for her use of a specific technique known as "Sean-Nos" singing, which developed in Gaelic Ireland. Some of the key elements of this technique include:

  • Emphasis on Traditional Style: To sing in the "Sean-Nos" style, you need to draw inspiration from traditional Irish singing. Start by listening to and learning some of Máire Brennan's most popular traditional songs, such as "An Fharraige" and "Bi Se Iosa Im Chroise."
  • Use of Ornamentation: "Sean-Nos" singing is known for its use of ornamentation, which includes the use of melodic variations, slides, and runs. You can practice ornamentation in singing with the Pitch Training game.
  • Nonlinear Melodic Progressions: Another defining feature of "Sean-Nos" singing is the use of nonlinear melodic progressions. To practice this technique, try listening to and replicating some of the more intricate melodic progressions in Máire Brennan's songs.

Putting It All Together

To learn to sing like Máire Brennan, you need to combine the technical skill with the discovery of the unique style she uses. Here are some tips to bring everything together:

With these techniques and resources, you'll soon be singing like Máire Brennan and capturing audiences with the haunting, ethereal sound that she has mastered.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.